
Readers may have forgotten that we have produced two excellent little prayer books for use with children and young people.

Entitled Time for Prayer and Time for Thought, we want these books to be a blessing to all who use them, so we have reduced the price to just £1 plus postage so that as many copies as possible can be made available for all sections of uniformed groups, Junior Church, youth groups and anyone else who would like them.

Orders can be placed by email to

Time for Thought

cover with logo

This book, now priced at £1.00, has been produced to provide reflection and prayer ideas for use with children and young people. All the items can be used in part or as they stand according to your situation.

The content of many of the prayers can also trigger reflection if this approach is preferred.

The topics are all ones which may be part of programmes run with children and young people.

sample page TFT





Time for Thought - A Review

‘Time for Thought’ is the new resource created by URCGSF, and companion to ‘Time for Prayer’.  This pocket-sized booklet offers 24 themed reflection and prayer ideas for use with Guides and Scouts, children and young people.  It will be invaluable to leaders who want to offer a spiritual dimension to their groups and activities.  It is designed to link with themes and experiences that will be part of their normal programme, and will enable them to deepen their engagement and offer a faith perspective.  We have been delighted to be able to give a copy to every URC church with links to Guiding or Scouting, and hope this will enable many more people to connect with the URCGSF.  

Sam Richards

 Head of Children’s and Youth Work

United Reformed Church

TFP cover

Time for Prayers

Time for prayers is a useful pocket size booklet which can be used by leaders or by the youngsters themselves.

It is only £1.50 a copy




sample page

Please email Sales Manager for payment and delivery details


In response to a suggestion from the URC Guide and Scout Fellowship, a new resource has been developed to help encourage children to pray, whether individually or leading a group prayer. These lovely cards have attractive illustrations which can be used as a stimulus for prayer and on the reverse are a few words, accompanied by Widgit symbols, to provide some words they might use in their prayers. The cards are available online as a downloadable resource for you to print Prayer Prompts for Children and also available free of charge on request from the Children’s and Youth Work office for use with URC children’s groups. We hope soon to be able to offer the download in Welsh too. 

The Fellowship has limited stocks of the new packs of prayer cards produced by URC Children & Youth.  There are two packs, each of 26 cards, with an engaging colourful picture on one side and a related simple prayer idea on the other side.  One pack is aimed at 4-8 year olds, the other for 8-12s.

These are a great resource for Squirrels, Rainbows, Beavers, Cubs and Brownies.

To encourage their widest use, we would like to send a free pack with any new order for badges or woggles over £5, and will send two free packs for orders over £20.  

Prayer cards

Prayer cards 2

Prayer cards 3