Grants to Scout and Guide Units
An invitation to help us fund the David Marshall-Jones Memorial Grants Scheme
We were all deeply saddened by the death of David, as reported in the May issue of Linkline. David did so much to develop and steer the work of the Fellowship and to build much closer links both with Children and Youth Work at Church House, and with the Scout Association at Gilwell. At their local level he and Pam were (and Pam still is) very instrumental in ensuring a very close relationship between Caterham URC and the 11th Caterham Scout Group (and helping ensure that the Girlguiding units based at the church also maintain a good relationship).
The Fellowship committee thought that those who knew David might wish to contribute towards the new grant scheme that we have set up to commemorate David's name, which aims to encourage and build links between local churches and Scout/Guiding units. More details of the scheme are below.
If you would like to make a donation please contact me for payment details. If you are a tax payer you can Gift Aid your donation.
We would be grateful for any amount, large or small - your help could make a real difference.
Thank you!
Roy Cadoux, Treasurer
07941 777009
The David Marshall-Jones Memorial Grants Scheme
A limited number of grants of up to £100 can be made from
URCGSF to Scout Groups/GirlGuiding units attached to URC churches.
The purpose of the grant must be to pay towards something which will foster,
build or improve the relationship between one or more Scouting/GirlGuiding
units and the local church. This could for example fund a suitable event
or activity, whether it is one-off or ongoing.
Applications must be emailed to the URCGSF Treasurer,
with details of the parties involved, a description of what the money would be
spent on, and how it might help with the church/unit(s) relationship. The
application must be approved by both the unit and the church, to indicate that
both parties have agreed to the project.
The URCGSF Committee will consider all applications promptly, and if approved
grants will be paid by cheque payable to the relevant Group/unit.
Following a successful application for a grant, a short report and photographs
of the project must be emailed for inclusion in Linkline and possibly in URC
Children and Youth Work publicity.
Note that URC Children’s and Youth Work Committee also offers small grants (of
£50 or £100) to local churches to enable them to develop their relationship
with a connected uniformed group (which includes Boys’ Brigade and Girls’
Brigade as well as Guiding and Scouting). This could be applied for in
parallel with a grant application from URCGSF.- see their web page
Application Form for URCGSF Grant